Investor Relations
Investor Relations


The information for shareholders and investors posted on this website is provided to enable users to understand the financial and management information regarding CURVES HOLDINGS Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”) and its affiliated companies. It is not provided to solicit investment or vouchsafe a guarantee of any kind. Users are asked to rely on their own judgement when making investment decisions.

Current plans, strategies, judgements and other content posted on this website that are not matters of historical fact constitute forecasts of future business results and other forecasts based on information available, and on suppositions and judgements made, at the time of posting. They include elements of risk and uncertainty. As such, users are asked to bear in mind that actual business results and other information published in the future may differ substantially from these forecasts, due to a wide range of factors.

The Company takes great care when providing information through this website. Nonetheless, the Company accepts no responsibility whatsoever for errors in the posted information, tampering of data by third parties, damage incurred from downloading data, etc.